School Memorabilia

Here are copies of various Abbey School memorabilia. If OBs/visitors have any other interesting memorabilia and are happy to share them on the web, please contact the webmaster (


Abbey Prospectus from the 1950s
with thanks to William Wattie for the original

Abbey Prospectus from the 1960s
with thanks to John Murray for the original

CCF Items

Part 1 orders dated 21 January 1971
posted on the CCF board each week with thanks to John Murray for the original

CCF Interplatoon competition Mar 1970
with thanks to John Murray for the original

CCF APC Board exam dated 14 March 1970
with thanks to John Murray for the original

Term Event Lists

Easter Term 1971
with thanks to John Murray for the original

Sport Fixtures

Cricket Fixtures 1934
from Freddie Macqueen’s notebook

Cricket Fixtures 1935
from Freddie Macqueen’s notebook

Rugby Fixtures 1969
with thanks to John Murray for the original

Rugby Fixtures 1969
with thanks to John Murray for the original

Newspaper Cuttings

Rugby 1936 “Exiles Too Much for Highland XV” Exile 10 Highlands 9
from Freddie Macqueen’s notebook


Cricket Fixtures 1934
from Freddie Macqueen’s notebook

Cricket Fixtures 1935
from Freddie Macqueen’s notebook

Rugby Fixtures 1969
with thanks to John Murray for the original

Rugby Fixtures 1969
with thanks to John Murray for the original

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