Lewis ‘Piggy’ Paterson OB

Lewis was first and foremost a sportsman, of some style. He graced all the school teams but it was as a distance runner that he excelled. He was in  Vaughan House in a particularly purple period when his housemates consisted of names like Macdonald, Dyer, Van Bavel, Godfrey, Mathieson. Others of his year included Mackay, Findlator, Scott-Moncrieff, Guilianotti Sinclair Meunier, Moscardini, Dolan,  Conlon, Palmer and Martin.

Tony Duncan would bring the “Picts” to the Abbey at that time. Lewis was  one of the stars of the home team.
After leaving school Lewis developed his sporting interests with rod and gun.  He always would also have a good dog. His  career led him into the whisky industry and he managed several distilleries over a period of years before settling at the “Stormont” in Blairgowrie.  Lewis` marriage ran out of steam many years ago , but his daughter always managed to keep her dad on the straight and narrow.

I can still see both Tex and Piggy standing together as acolytes at High Mass. We were in the choir, huddled round that most wonderful of organs, Fr. Vincent orchestrating the best Of Byrd, Britton or Beethoven. Fr. Bernard blasting the best out of his Kist of Whistles.

It takes many a long day to realise that your school days are the best years of your life. Its people like Lewis Paterson that make it that way.

Big Baldy

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