Newsletter May 2014

Calendar of dates for 2014

September Golf Outing Blairgowrie.
October Saturday 18th Oct. Annual Dinner/AGM Holiday Inn Glasgow.
Golf Outing : The date has still to be arranged, but it will be on a Sunday in September at Blairgowrie
G. C. Date and details will be on the website nearer the time.

Annual Dinner & Report : Last year’s Dinner was very well attended as usual and a great success.
Our speaker OB Dr. Michael Turnbull gave us a very informative talk on St.Andrew, Scotland’s patron
saint, with many interesting slides. The meal was first-class and thanks go to Maurice for the wine and
Alasdair and Ralph for the Bennies. A good time was had by all and many a tale remembered. This
year’s Dinner for OBs and partners will take place in the usual venue the Holiday Inn, West Nile Street,
Glasgow preceded by the AGM at 7.00pm. It will be on Sat. 18th October and not the usual first Sat. as
there is a Liberal Democrat Conference in Glasgow then, and by taking the 18th we will get our usual
good deal. The dinner will cost the same as last year, £35 a head, the accommodation with our usual
OB discount is still Double/Twin £89 and Single £79, including full Scottish Breakfast. Please note that
there is limited availability so it is recommended to book as soon as possible. The reservation number is
0141 352 8305. Please book early for this popular night to Ralph Giulianotti 01738 624674.

Rillettes of smoked peppered mackerel with tomato and chilli jam;
Wild mushroom and tarragon soup with chive crème fraîche;
Braised rump of Lamb with roasted root vegetables and Rosemary jus;
Baked lemon delice with fresh fruits followed by freshly-brewed Tea or Coffee with tablet.
As yet we have no speaker. Any ideas?

News: OB Colin McAllister is involved in an appeal to raise money for the erection of a statue of Mary
Queen of Scots at the place of her birth, Linlithgow Palace. If you are interested his tel. no. is 01334

R.I.P. Our oldest monk Fr Edward Delepine died aged 95, at Ampleforth on the 16th November 2013.
The funeral was attended by OBs Mike Turnbull, John Welsh, Ralph Giulianotti and also Fr Stephen
Geddes. After a traditional Benedictine Requiem with Fr Francis giving the homily, the Community
processed to the hillside cemetery where the OBs laid a wreath in Abbey colours on behalf of the
Association. Afterwards there was a reception where we were able to spend time with our ex F.A.
monks. Fr Bernard McInulty has offered up a Mass for the FAOBA. Many thanks from the OBs to Fr
Bernard. Fr. Edward (1918-2013) Professed 1938. Ordained 1943. Died 16 November 2013 aged 95.
He spent 64 years as a monk of FA. He taught French for 12 years at Carlekemp and also at FA in the
1950s and 1960s. He served as School bursar and was one of the last Headmasters of the School prior
to it closing. On his retirement at the age of 75 he became chaplain to the nuns at St Mary’s Abbey,
Colwich. His last 13 years were spent as a monk at Ampleforth, where he was very well cared for.

Sir Garth Morrison 1943-2013. Born in Edinburgh 1943, his early education was at Carlekemp Priory
School and thence to Pangbourne in Berkshire after which he went to the Britannia Royal Naval College
Dartmouth, and later Cambridge University where he graduated BA in 1966. He served as an
engineering officer in the Royal Navy for 12 years, most of the time in nuclear submarines, retiring with
the rank of lieutenant in 1973. Sir Garth became Chief Scout in 1988. He was Deputy Lieutenant for
East Lothian 1984-2001 and Lord Lieutenant for the County in 2001, a post he held until his death on
24th May 2013.

Dereck Fowles MBE 1927-2013. Born in Bristol, where he was educated by the Christian Brothers, he
joined the Navy in 1944 as a midshipman and was on the King George v battleship when the peace
treaty was signed with Japan in 1945 in Tokyo Bay. The following year he went to Bristol University
where he graduated with a BA Honours in English and History and in his spare time studied stage
management at the Bristol Old Vic. His first teaching post was at Priory Park in Bath, then Harrison
College Barbados (where he taught the future Sir Gary Sobers) before returning to the UK in 1956 to
teach at the Abbey School. There he was remembered as a charismatic and warm hearted, humorous
teacher and with his drama experience he was involved in many productions. He left the Abbey in 1964
to teach at Notre Dame Dumbarton and in 1974 moved to St. Patrick’s HS, Coatbridge as Deputy Head
before becoming Rector at St Margaret’s HS. After he retired he was awarded an MBE (2010) for his
services to the community in the Forth Valley and Lomond Local Action Group. He died 3 November
2013 aged 86 in Drymen. Mike Turnbull attended the funeral and laid a wreath on behalf of the FAOBA.

Duncan Demarco With great sadness, Elizabeth Baron Demarco announces the death of her husband
Duncan Demarco (Demo), at home, Chemin du Pré-d’Ogue 1, 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne,
Switzerland, on 11th April, 2014. A service was held at Christchurch in Lausanne on Wednesday, 16th
April at 1.30pm.

Photos Very interesting new photos from our most senior OB Peter Barry have been scanned to our
website. There is also an account of Carlekemp during the First World War. Thanks to Colin for keeping
our website so interesting and up to date. Any new info welcomed.

The Romans at Fort Augustus? A letter from an officer at Perth, dated 2 May 1767, says ‘Last week I
was out with a command to Fort Augustus, where some part of the fortifications are repairing. Whilst
there, some labourers in digging a trench, found an earthen urn, of a blue colour, with about 300 pieces
of coin, of mixed metal, some a little larger than our halfpence, and the others the size of farthings. They
appear to me to be all of the Emperor Diocletian’. Scots Magazine, 1767

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