Newsletter AGM Minutes 2008

[vc_row equal_height=”yes” type=”vc_default” margin_bottom=”10″ css=”.vc_custom_1490183669310{padding-top: 70px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1509905763975{padding-bottom: 50px !important;}” offset=”vc_col-lg-12 vc_col-md-12″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1509909777715{padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”]Present: Andrew Basigara, Damian Bell, John Booth, Jim Brown, Colin Bryce, George Campbell, Brian Caulfield, Peter Caufield, Tony Duncan, Fr.Stephen Dunn, Chris Dunn, Mark Dunn, Iain Dunn, Joe Dunn, Ralph Giulianotti, Mark Giulianotti, Eric Harrison, Martin Harrison, Owen Halloran, Lawrence Hogarth, Paul Lombardi, Gerry Martin, Iain McLaughlin, Shane Mackenzie, Angus Mackinnon, Paddy Mulligan, Henry Murphy, Tom Murphy, Jim O’Heay, Tom O’Heay, Billy Sinclair, Maurice Taylor, Iain Traquair, Mike Turnbull, Richard Welch.

Apologies: Alasdair Macdonald, Colin McAllister, Gerry Devine, Chris Stephenson, Pat Barron, Ralph Giulianotti Jnr, Vincent Igoe, John Maclellan.


  1. Opening Prayer:Led by our Chaplain Fr. Stephen Dunn.


  1. Minutes 2007 A.G.M:Proposed for adoption by Lawrence Hogarth and seconded by Maurice Taylor.


  1. Matters Arising:After the sad deaths of Treasurer Joe Dunn and Hon Vice President Hamish McDonald, the chairman was pleased to announce that Joe’s son Mark and Fr. Benedict who were voted in unanimously in absentia have accepted the vacant positions. The sudden and sad death of our webmaster Mike Drummond in April was recorded. His funeral was well attended by OBs and Chris Stephenson laid a wreath in Abbey Colours with Corbie on our behalf. Our condolences go out to his OB brother Richard and his wife Lorna. We still have 54 copies of our book ‘ Abbey Boys’ left from a print of 600 books. Sales have raised £2,964. The current price is £15 per book. The chairman gave a vote of thanks to author Mike Turnbull.The Raven Company’s development of the Abbey continues. The Abbey Church apse has been pulled down, however I believe 90% of the work force has been laid off and sub-contractors are to build the cottages in the Swamp.


  1. Website:Following Mike Drummond’s death his work was continued by Colin Bryce who at short notice has done a brilliant job. OBs present thanked Colin and with their encouragement he agreed to continue as Webmaster. Colin added that there were193 members participating in the Forum and invited OBs to send in more news and photographs. He also said he would get in touch with Chris Stephenson regarding the costs of the site.


5.Committee Report:

  1. a) Martin Waugh and Colin Petteranna arranged a sucessfull Dinner Dance for the classes of the 70’s and 80’s at the Lovat Hotel, preceded by lunch in the Boathouse Restaurant on arrival. The next dinner Dance will be on the 20th June 2009, and 10 more OBs and partners are hoped for.
  2. b) The outing to The Perth Races Family Day on one of the few warm sunny days in July was a sell-out. All present had a great day, and enjoyed the private marquee, good catering, face painting for the kids and a 7to1 tip that allowed most present to go home with some winnings.
  3. c) The Abbey Golf Classic was once more held at Strathmore G.C. in August. The weather for the first time was wet and windy, but this did not deter the hardy OBs. After a hard fought cmpetition the Scratch Quaich which has now become a stableford competition was won by David Sutherland and the F.A. Handicap Cup by Carlo Aranci.
  4. d) The finale of the year is this evening’s dinner at OB Maurice Taylor’s renowned Holiday Inn. Once again we managed to squeeze everyone in.Tonight’s guest speaker is a prominent Catholic legal figure, Sheriff George Kavanagh KCHS., who sits on the bench at Paisley and will no doubt have interesting and amusingexperiences to relate. I am sure our dinner will again be a night to remember with the usual first class meal, great service and jolly good company. Many thanks to Maurice for providing the wine, Chris the port and Ralph the Bennies.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:There was £6,712 in the bank at the end of the financial year. Subscriptions by banker’s order amounted to £325. Maurice Taylor suggested that each OB should pay £10 for accessing the website, this would be looked into. It was noted that the annual and life membership was still £10 and £100 respectively. The Chair on behalf of all present thanked Mark for his presentation and for carrying on the good work of his father Joe who had served the FAOBA so faithfully for 49 years.


  1. Elections:Hon.Pres.Abbot Alban Boultwood; Vice President Fr Benedict Seed; Treasurer Mark Dunn; Chairman and Committee: Ralph Giulianotti, Chris Stephenson, Brian Caulfield and Mike Turnbull. Two new members were elected, Colin Bryce proposed by Ralph Giulianotti and seconded by Chris Dunn and Vincent Igoe proposed by Shane Mackenzie and seconded by Owen Halloran. Although now in post for 13 years, Ralph Giulianotti declared himself to be willing to continue as Chairman for another year.



  1. a) Fr. Francis Davidson is now 70 and after having a heart replacement valve operation this summeris once more enjoying good health.

Fr. Edward Delepine is 90 and has had two cataract operations.

Fr Benedict Seed is 75 and in his words should be retired, but is still hale and hearty and enjoying being P.P. at Brora.

Ad Multos Annos to them all.

  1. b) The bench and tree for Hamish McDonald are in place at his favourite walk at Auchterawe. The Chairman read a letter of thanks to theOBs from his widow, Alison. A plaque is now on the bench.
  2. c) The Lodge: Fr. Michael Savage sent a letter of thanks on behalf of the F.A. parishioners for the cheque towards a new boiler and vestments. He will say a mass at the beginning of November for deceased Monks and OBs.


Deaths: The Chairman reported the deaths of Mike Drummond, John P. Marshall, Archie Wason R.I.P. Chaplain Fr. Stephen will include them in his Masses for deceased Old Boys.

An appeal was made for news on Births, Marriages and Deaths.


Date of next AGM Saturday 3rd October 2009 preceding OB Dinner[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” bg_type=”bg_color” bg_override=”ex-full” type=”vc_default” margin_bottom=”10″ css=”.vc_custom_1509906356659{padding-top: 40px !important;padding-bottom: 40px !important;}” bg_color_value=”#f6f6f6″][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Return to Newsletters” style=”classic” color=”danger” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:%2Fnewsletters%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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