Newsletter AGM Minutes 2007

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Present: George Campbell, Brian Caulfield, Derek Cardiff, Gerry Devine, Tony Duncan, Fr. Stephen Dunn, Joe Dunn, Iain Dunn, Chris Dunn, Ralph Giulianotti, Owen Halloran, Martin Harrison, Lawrence Hogarth, Paul Lombardi, Mark Lombardi, Michael Lynch, Bill Mackenzie, Colin McAllister, Angus Mackinnon, Gerry Martin, Philip Mooney, Tom Murphy, Henry Murphy, Billy Sinclair, Alan Totti, Mike Turnbull .

Apologies: Chris Stephenson, Mike Drummond, Ralph & Mark Giulianotti, Maurice Taylor, Jim Dollan, Mike Curley, Mark Dunn, Iain McAllister, Pat Barron.

1.) Opening Prayer: The meeting opened with a prayer by our chaplain Fr. Stephen Dunn.

2.) Minutes of 2006 A.G.M.: They were proposed for adoption as an accurate record by George Campbell, seconded by Fr. Stephen Dunn.

3.) Matters Arising: Since our last meeting I have to report the very sad news of the death of our Treasurer Joe Dunn, who had been looking after our accounts since 1958 one year short of 50 years of faithful and devoted service to the O.B.Association. Also the death of Hamish McDonald our Vice President, both funerals were well attended by O.Bs. May they rest in peace. Fr. Benedict’s Golden Jubilee of Priesthood was very well attended by the Clergy, friends, parishioners, O.Bs. and his family. His six brothers, Francis, Rob, Roger, Austin, Anthony, and Peter, all of whom are O.Bs, were there to help him celebrate. A fine reception was held in the Marine Hotel later. The transformation of The Abbey into flats continues and they have transformed our old boathouse into a restaurant. We still continue to get orders for our book ‘Abbey Boys’, we have 67 left from the 600 that were printed and profits stand at £2,896 ,thanks again to author Mike Turnbull.

4.) Website: Mike Drummond sent his apologies and gave us the following report. ” The website appears to be fulfilling its purpose which, as I see it, is to act as the information centre for O.Bs. I would be grateful if any O.B’s could provide any short stories or lighthearted memoirs from thier schooldays at the Fort. We have to rely on the past for the majority of our content and such in-put keeps up interest. It was very satisfying to help O.B. George Campbell advertise his book ‘The First and Lost Iona’. George seems to have been pleased with the response from O.Bs. a number of whom have purchased this acclaimed publication via our website. If there are any other O.B. authors around perhaps they would like details of their work published on the site. I intend to change the photo gallery format shortly so that the various photo sections can be viewed as a continuous slideshow. Photos are always welcome and if anyone is experiencing difficulty in uploading any photographs then they are welcome to email them directly to me and I shall upload them”. The Chairman, on behalf of the OBs., thanked Mike for his sterling work on the website and it was agreed to allocate £150 to running costs.

5.) Committee Report: We had four social events this year.

A).We started in June with a day at Perth Races on Gold Cup Day. The weather was good, the company jolly and we enjoyed a tasty lunch and afternoon tea in our own marquee complete with bar and cctv. This was our sixth outing to the races ,a good time was had by all and, for a change, the bookies did not get it all their own way!

B).Our second event, also held in June, was a Dinner Dance and cricket match at F.Augustus. This sucessfull weekend was organised by Martin Waugh and Colin Peteranna and attended by their peers of the seventies and eighties. Gay and I were delighted to represent the oldies! We stayed at the Calley and the Dinner Dance was held in the Lovat. It was a fun weekend, unfortunately the cricket match was rained off so we adjourned to the boathouse for lunch. Many thanks to the organisers Martin and Colin, who hope to repeat this event in 2008.

C).August saw us once more at Strathmore for the popular Abbey Golf Classic. The weather was sunny, the course and high tea excellent and after a hard fought competition, Colin McAllister won the scratch Abbey Quaich and Ralph Giulianotti The F.A. Handicap Cup. Next year the Scratch Compmpetition will be a Stableford giving more competitors a chance to win.

D). Our programme of events ends with the highlight of the year, our Annual Dinner at O.B.Maurice Taylor’s Holiday Inn. Our Speaker was O.B.Mike Turnbull who gave a talk with slides on Rosslyn Chapel as he has just completed a book on the subject. We all enjoyed a great evening with the usual gourmet meal, Maurice generously provided the wine, Chris the port and Ralph the Bennies.

6). Treasurer’s Report: Mark Dunn our stand in Treasurer was unable to attend due to a family bereavement and sent his apologies. Joe Dunn Jnr. presented the accounts. Joe pointed out that, after expenses, we have a healthy balance of £6,828, he also remarked that we could perhaps get better interest on our cash. He was thanked for his presentation and for stepping in for brother Mark at short notice.

7). Elections: It was proposed that Mark Dunn should be our new Treasurer, this was carried unanimously. There was also a vacancy for Vice President. The Chairman proposed O.B. Fr.Benedict, past Housemaster and Headmaster, and this was also carried unanimously. The rest of the office bearers were voted in enbloc. However, the Chairman did note that he had been twelve years in the chair and was nearing his sell by date!

8). A.O.B. A letter of thanks from Sir Tom Farmer CBE KCSG., last year’s speaker, thanking us for the £250 donation to his chosen charity, Mary’s Meals, was read out. A letter from Abbot Christopher Jamieson of Worth Abbey was also read out, he wished us well and thanked the Old Boys for keeping the memory of The Fort Augustus Abbey School alive. Mandy Murray the new Curater of Blair’s Museum has been in touch re. the Blessed Sacrament Canopy of deer skin donated to the Abbey by the Lovat’s. Mike Turnbull was able to assist her and she is looking into the possibility of tours and talks at the museum, Mike has volonteered to be a speaker. George Campbell has donated a cheque for £94.50 from the sale of his book to Old Boys, ‘The First and lost Iona’ (A Secret History of F.Augustus), many thanks George. Angus Mackinnon’s proposal for the O.B’s to buy a flat in the Abbey development was voted down as being fraught with difficulties, it was suggested we should try to rent the lodge instead.
The Chairman reported the deaths of Joe Dunn, Hamish McDonald, Alasdair Watson, Canon John Rogerson, Sandy Macdonald and Alasdair Rankin R.I.P. Chaplain Fr. Stephen will include them in his Masses for deceased Old Boys.

9). Date Next AGM: Once more to precede the Old Boys Dinner in the Holiday Inn Glasgow October 2008.

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