[vc_row equal_height=”yes” type=”vc_default” margin_bottom=”10″ css=”.vc_custom_1490183669310{padding-top: 70px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1509905763975{padding-bottom: 50px !important;}” offset=”vc_col-lg-12 vc_col-md-12″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Calendar of Dates” alignment=”left” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:30px;” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:20px;” margin_design_tab_text=””]Tuesday 24th May – Visit & Talk Scottish Catholic Archives Edinburgh.
Wednesday 29th June – Perth Races.
Sunday 7th August – Golf Strathmore Golf Club.
Saturday 1st October – Dinner Holiday Inn.[/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1509910250388{padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”]
A full report of last year’s events appears in the A.G.M. Minutes under the heading Committee Report.
During a meeting of the Old Boy’s Committee in Perth on the 22nd of February the following business was dealt with :
Programme for 2005.
Visit & Talk Scottish Catholic Archives Edinburgh.
Our first event of the year is a visit to the Scottish Catholic Archives situated at 16, Drummond Place Edinburgh on Tuesday 24th May at 11.00 am. This will take the form of an audio and visual talk on The Influence of the Fort Augustus Abbey on Scotland by our very own academic Michael Turnbull. We will also be shown around by the Keeper of the Archives Andrew Nicoll as the archives contain a lot of interesting material on Fort Augustus and Carlekemp. After our visit we will perhaps adjourn to a local hostelry for a bar lunch. The visit will be limited to 20 people and open to friends so please book early to Ralph Giulianotti 01738 624674.
Perth Races Scone Palace Park.
This very popular day at the races has been arranged for Wednesday the 29th June for Old Boys and partners. We have once again secured a package of Marquee complete with CCTV in case of bad weather, finger buffet lunch, afternoon tea and club badge plus cash bar all this for £52 a head including vat. Please book early to avoid disappointment to Ralph G. 01738 624674.
Annual Golf Outing.
Sunday the 7th August is the 9th year of the Abbey Golf Classic! It will take place again on the links of O.B. Pat Barron’s scenic and challenging Strathmore G.C. The first tea is booked for 1.30 pm and the cost, which includes High Tea, is the same as last year, £36. All you need is to own a set of clubs, a knowledge of the rules and we will arrange a handicap, book early to Ralph G. for this fun day outing.
Annual Dinner and Report.
Last year’s O.B.Dinner which followed our A.G.M. was the highlight of another successful year. This was our 7th Dinner at O.B. Maurice Taylor’s renowned Holiday Inn and was a splendid night. The meal was superb and the service first class. Many thanks again to Maurice for providing the excellent wine, Chris Dunn the vintage port and Ralph the Benedictines. Our very own Fr. Aelred Grugan was our guest speaker and gave a very interesting and informative talk on The West Highland Line on which he is an authority. This line at one time connected Fort Augustus to the outside world. The evening, with the now happily wined and dined Old Boys, as usual ended down memory lane.
This year’s dinner for Old Boys and partners will be on Saturday 1st October at the Holiday Inn West Nile Street Glasgow preceded by the A.G.M. at 7.00 pm. The guest speaker for the night will be His Grace Mario Conti Archbishop of Glasgow and at one time Bishop of Aberdeen. He was a great friend of Fort Augustus and attended many of our services and ceremonies. The Dinner will cost the same as last year £32 a head, Maurice very kindly providing the wine, Ralph the Benedictines, and there is the usual O.B. discount of £37.50 B&B per person sharing a room, reservation number 0141 352 8300. Please book early to Ralph Giulianotti 01738 624674, as last year some people left it too late and were disappointed.
Terrine of Smoked Salmon Lobster and Sole
With Fennel and Lemon Slaw.
Fresh Pea and Mint Velouté with Ham And Mint.
Fillet of Beef with Pommery Mustard and Brioche Crust,
Creamed Spinach, Roasted Carrots, Port and Thyme Reduction.
Warm Pear Tart with Panna Cotta and Rhubarb Ice Cream.
Freshly Brewed Coffee with Petit Fours.
The Raven Group who bought The Fort for over £1 million for conversion to apartments and. cottages in the grounds have now completed a show flat. The development is called The Highland Club and according to the prospectus offers – 80 Spectacular Apartments, 12 Charming Cottages, Swimming Pool, Health Facilities, Lochside Cafe, The Highland Club Lounge, Tennis Court, Cricket Pitch, Gun and Rod Store, Optional Interior Decoration, Pontoon and Mooring Facilities and Package and Holiday Letting. The prices will range from £100,000 – £400,000 a unit. A spokesman for The Group said that even before their marketing campaign, and full planning permission, 40 of the units have been reserved. Unfortunately much of The Monastery Garden with Fr. Augustine Grene’s prized rhododendrons have been cleared in order that the Loch can be viewed from most of the apartments. I am sure Gussie will turn in his grave!
In 2006 we intend to have a weekend at Fort Augustus staying at The Caledonian Hotel. This will perhaps include a visit to Pluscarden Abbey, a Highland Distillery as well as golf or other activities.
As reported, in the A.G.M. Minutes, the website (www.corbie.com) is still keeping the F.A.O.B.A. informed and alive. Mike Drummond who so ably runs the site would appreciate any new material to keep the site interesting and up to date. Donations towards the website or O. B. subs. of £10 per annum or £100 Life Membership are always gratefully received ; we still make donations to charities and pay stipends for masses for deceased Old Boys. Please send cheques to Ralph Giulianotti made payable to FAOBA at “Mountview”, Kinnoull Hill Place, Perth. PH2 7DD.
We still have some copies of ‘Abbey Boys’ at the bargain price of £17 p.p., anyone wishing a book address and cheque as above.
Where are our Monks? Fathers Francis Davidson, Anthony Hain and Bernard McInulty are still attached to Ampleforth, Fr. Edward Delepine is chaplain to the Benedictine Nuns at Colwich Abbey Stafford, Fr. Benedict Seed is P.P. at Brora, Fr. Aelred Grugan is P.P. at St. Mary’s Whitehaven Cumbria, Fr Robert is P.P. at St. Patrick’s Saskatchewan Canada and Fr. Paul Bonnici P.P. at St. Peter’s and St Benedict’s Fort Augustus.
Finally our Honorary President Abbot Alban Boultwood 93 years young, sends his kind wishes ,blessings and prayers to all Old Boys.
McTear’s Sale Catalogue of Fort Augustus Abbey Furniture 12th March 1999
Christina Anderson, a furniture historian, is writing an article about the furniture from Fort Augustus Abbey. In order to complete her work, she urgently needs a copy of the auction catalogue created by McTear’s for the sale of this furniture. Do you have a copy she could borrow? If you can help, please contact her at :
1 Milverton Drive, Ickenham, Middlesex UB10 8PP, Tel. 01895 625 540.
Domenic Atkinson. (1939 – 1945). R.I.P.
Robin Anderson (1936-41) captain of school 1941 died 17th April 2004. Leaves wife and three children. R.I.P.
Masses will be said by our chaplain for deceased Old Boys.
Fort Augustus Old Boys Association Minutes of the 63rd A.G.M.
Holiday Inn Glasgow, Sat. 2nd Oct. 2004
Present: Maurice Taylor, Fr. Stephen Dunn, Brian Caulfield, George Campbell, Charlie Niven, Tony Duncan, Angus MacKinnon, Brian Murray, Chris Wright, Michael Curly, Vic Macari, Gerry Devine, Matt Tyksinski, Henry Murphy, Ian McAllister, Tom Murphy, Owen Halloran, Mark Giulianotti, Pat Barron, Alasdair Macdonald, Joe Dunn, Phil Mooney, Chris Dunn, Vincent Igoe, Fr. Aerlred Grugan, Iain Dunn, Mike Turnbull, Paddy Mulligan, Mike Drummond, Richard Welsh, Shane Mackenzie, Ralph Giulianotti, Ian Daly.
Apologies: John Maclellan, Chris Stephenson, Roy McCarey, Mark Dunn, Ralph Giulianotti Jnr.
1. Opening Prayer : The meeting opened with a prayer by our chaplain Fr. Stephen Dunn.
2. Minutes of 2003 A.G.M. : The minutes were proposed for adoption by Pat Barron and seconded by Matt Tyksinski.
3. Matters Arising : Ralph Giulianotti read out a letter from our new Cardinal for Scotland, Keith O’Brien, thanking the FAOBA for their message of support and he asked for our prayers in his task ahead.
4. “Abbey Boys” (update) : To date Mike Turnbull’s superb book on our Old school has grossed £7,658 with only 99 books from the original 600 still for sale. It cost £5000 to produce and the £2658 profit has helped to swell the Old Boys coffers. Once again Mike very many thanks from the Old Boys for putting our school and happy memories into print.
5. Website (corbie.com) : Mike Drummond explained what he was proposing to do with the website: make it more interactive and allow OBs to upload material themselves (with his editorial control). Jonathan Ivory of the Raven Group, the company that has brought the Abbey, has been offered space on the site in order to keep us informed of the latest developments. Mike invited members to send in more material to keep the site interesting and up to date. It was proposed that a sum of £150 be allocated to the running costs of the site this year. Mike was given a big vote of thanks for maintaining the OB website which keeps us all united, informed and in touch with each other.
6. Committee Report: This year we had three events organised. The first was our outing to the Perth Races on Gold cup day in June and was attended by thirty OBs and theirs partners. Our marquee was situated beside the winning post where we enjoyed a buffet lunch, afternoon tea , bar, CCTV and the tote facilities. The weather was great and the day voted a big success by all. The OB Golf Classic in August at OB Pat Barron’s Strathmore G.C. was well attended. The course was in good nick and the High Tea delicious. Winner of the Abbey Scratch Quaich was Ralph Giulianotti and the Fort Augustus Handicap Cup, Henry Murphy. Finally the highlight of the year will be our Annual Dinner tonight at OB Maurice Taylor’s renowned Holiday Inn. I am sure this will again prove to be a memorable night with the usual first class meal from chef Gerry Sharkey and service to match. Maurice is again kindly providing the wine, Chris Dunn the vintage port and Ralph the Benedictines. Details and dates of the 2005 Annual Dinner and other events are confirmed in this Corbie Newsletter.
7. Treasurer’s Report : Joe Duun reported a healthy surplus of £579 at the end of August 2004, with total funds standing at £6730. Joe Dunn was thanked profusely by the chairman for all his hard work over many years. He reckons he started in 1958!
8. Elections: Our Honorary President OB Abbot Alban Boultwood aged 93 can no longer travel from Washington but sent his prayers and best wishes to the Old Boys. Pat Barron proposed that the present committee of Fr Stephen Dunn (Chaplain), Ralph Giulianotti (Chairman), Joe Dunn (Treasurer), Mike Turnbull (Minutes Secretary), Mike Drummond, Chris Stephenson and Brian Caulfield be re-elected. This was seconded by Chris Dunn and carried unanimously.
9. A.O.B. : Maurice Taylor was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Strathclyde University for Business Administration for his work with Hotel students and was congratulated by all present. Regarding the development of the Abbey, the Raven Group proposes to build 80 flats in the Fort and 12 cottages in the grounds ranging in price between £200K and £300K. It will be named the Highland Club and have a pool and many other facilities, there is already one show flat.
10. Date of next A.G.M. : To precede the Old Boys Dinner in the Holiday Inn, Glasgow, Saturday 1st October 2005. Ralph Giulianotti reminded Old Boys to book early to avoid disappointment as unfortunately some Old Boys had left it too late this year.
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