74th AGM Saturday 3 October 2015, Holiday Inn, Glasgow
Present: Pat Barron, George Campbell, Brian Caulfield, Mike Cipolato, Chris Clark, Kevin Deady, Gerard Devine, Tony Duncan, Chris Dunn, Mark Dunn, Iain Dunn, Ralph Giulianotti, Neil Godfrey, Nigel Guthrie, Owen Halloran, Eric Harrison., Martin Harrison, Laurence Hogarth, Vinnie Igoe, Vic Macari, Shane Mackenzie, Colin MacAllister, Angus Mackinnon, Paddy Mulligan, Mark Mungavin, Henry Murphy, Tom O’Hey, James O’Hey, Dermot O’ Reilly, Colin Peteranna, Maurice Taylor, Mike Turnbull, Richard Welch
Apologies:Colin Bryce, Chris Stephenson, Ralph and Mark Giulianotti, Alasdair Macdonald, Fr. Stephen Dunn and Fr. Benedict our president who sent his good wishes to all.
1. Opening Prayer: Fr. Gordon Beattie our guest speaker from Ampleforth said the prayer as our Chaplain Fr. Stephen Dunn was in hospital after a car accident.
2. Minutes of the 2014 AGM: Having been circulated they were passed as an accurate record – proposed for adoption by Henry Murphy, seconded by George Campbell.
3. Matters Arising: None
4. The Website: Colin Bryce reported ‘The site has been very static this year partly due to the webmaster’s busy day job and also as a result of changing the hardware (the server) on which the website resides. The server and the space available are kindly provided to the OB Association by Chris Stephenson at no cost. The website had to move to a new server this year. Unfortunately as a result we lost access to the photo gallery and forum. It is hoped this can be restored at some point. As always, Suggestions welcome.’ Ralph Giulianotti noted that Maurice Taylor had said he had a contact who might be able to assist in restoring the images. The Chairman on behalf of all present gave a big vote of thanks to Colin for keeping the site up to date and interesting.
5. Committee Report: (1) Last year’s Dinner was well attended and enjoyed by all. The meal was first class. Thanks go to Maurice for the wine and Alasdair and Ralph for the Bennies. Our guest speaker Fr. Mark Savage OSB of Pluscarden gave us an interesting talk with film on their mission work at Kristo Buase Monastery, which was founded 25 years ago. A letter of thanks from Fr. Mark for the ‘generous donation’ from the FAOBA was read out. (2) In September Laurence Hogarth organized a very successful three day visit to Ampleforth. Laurence’s itinerary include a guided tour of Ampleforth by Prior Fr Terence Richardson whose uncle was our own Fr. Anselm Richardson, afterwards we had afternoon tea with Fr. Francis and Fr. Abbot Cuthbert Madden. The following day we were picked up by coach for a trip to Pickering where we boarded an old Mallard steam train to Whitby on the coast, there we had a pre- booked sit down fish and chips at the famous Trenchers restaurant, then back by coach over the picturesque Yorkshire moors. The evenings were very jolly with our own honesty bar. One night Professor Colin MacAllister organized us into groups and tested our knowledge with a quiz, great fun and laughter – many thanks Colin. We also joined the monks in the choir stalls for Matins at 6.45 am, Lauds 8.00, Vespers 6.00, Compline 8.15 and also daily mass. Only ‘Brother’ Henry Murphy managed to make Lauds. After mass one day we met Tim Copping whose father was OB Austin Copping. A letter of thanks was sent to Fr. Abbot Cuthbert and the Community for making us feel at home. Very many thanks again Laurence for organising this wonderful trip.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Mark Dunn C.A. presented the accounts. Cash in the Bank was £5,094. He stated that subscriptions had fallen in the past year, but sales of ‘Abbey Boys’ brought in £89. To date the profit on the book was £3,280 for which many thanks go to its author Mike Turnbull. There are only 11 books left from a print run of 500. The Treasurer was also thanked by all for his excellent work.
7. Elections: The current officials were all re-elected en bloc, proposed by Colin MacAllister and seconded by Chris Dunn. (Hon. President Fr. Benedict; Vice President: Owen Halloran; Chairman: Ralph Giulianotti: Treasurer: Mark Dunn; Secretary: Mike Turnbull; Webmaster: Colin Bryce; Committee: Chris Stephenson, Brian Caulfield, Colin Peteranna, Vinnie Igoe). The appointment of Laurence Hogarth as the FAOBA representative for England was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Paddy Mulligan.
8. AOB:
(1) A discussion on Abuse allegations in Scottish schools took place. Old Boys present felt they would like to offer their support as signatories for witness of good character, should this be appropriate.
(2) It was noted that in 1935 only 35 people attended the first meeting of the newly-constituted FAOBA which was held at the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh.
(3) Kevin Deady reported that he was pleased to have seen a copy of ‘Abbey Boys’ at the Scotch House in Vienna.
(4) Colin MacAllister showed photographs of the new Mary Queen of Scots statue at Linlithgow Palace in which he was involved and to which a number of OBs had contributed.
(5) Kevin Deady brought up the question of a plaque for the Arthur Fleischmann statue of St. Benedict now at Ampleforth Abbey but originally installed at the Fort. His proposal was supported by Colin MacAllister, seconded by Laurence Hogarth. Fr. Gordon explained that the suggestion would need to be presented to the Abbot’s Council at Ampleforth
9. Deaths: It was announced with regret that the following OBs had recently died: Billy Mackenzie (late 40’s era), Peter McCoy, (50’s), George Macleod (Barra 60’s), and Lewis Paterson (50’s). Our Chaplain will remember all our deceased members in his masses. R.I.P.
10. Date of next AGM and Dinner: Saturday 1 October at the Holiday Inn, Theatreland, Glasgow, with the AGM at 7.00pm followed by dinner at 7.30pm.