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Opening Prayer delivered by Fr Stephen Dunn (using the prayer in the original FAOBA constitution book obtained from Brian Murray).
Present Pat Barron, Joe Barry, Andrew Basigara, Robert Burns, Colin Bryce, Fr Gordon Beattie, George Campbell, Peter Caufield, Brian Caulfield, Mike Cipolato, Tony Duncan, Chris Dunn, Mark Dunn, Ian Dunn, Joe Dunn, Fr. Stephen Dunn, Ralph Giulianotti, Neil Godfrey, Nigel Guthrie, Owen Halloran, Eric Harrison, Martin Harrison, Istvan Hegedus, Laurence Hogarth, Vinnie Igoe, Paul Lombardi, Vic Macari, Alasdair Macdonald, Angus Mackinnon, Shane Mackenzie, Gerry Martin, Henry Murphy, Tom Murphy, Thomas O’Hey, James O’Hey, Colin Peterana, Richard Ryan, Roger Seed, Maurice Taylor, Ian Traquair, Mike Turnbull.
Apologies Brian Murray, Tom McLaughlin, Michael Lynch, Paddy Mulligan, Ralph & Mark Giulianotti, Billy Sinclair. Canon Benedict Seed, President of The FAOBA, sent greetings, with a wish that all were in good health and enjoyed a successful meeting.
Matters Arising: War Memorial ( 1939-45 ): The Highland Club relocated the stone free of charge from the lodge to its original place on the drive; it was also cleaned and the lettering restored, with even the small engraving ‘Remember them at the Altar’ at the base of the stone once more visible.The re-dedication by Fr. Benedict was followed by a lunch at the Boathouse restaurant.The total cost was £200, a sum defrayed by a cheque for £100 from Lawrie and Monica Scudder in memory of past president Abbot Alban Boultwood for his comrades in arms.Peter Barry had compiled some of his memories of the War Memorial and those commemorated.
Alasdair Macdonald and Steve Hegedus remarked about the poor state of the crosses in the Monks’ Cemetery and were told this had already been reported to the Abbot President.
On a happier note, Fr. Edward Delepine would be 72 years in the Benedictine habit on the 27 Nov. 2011. It was agreed that a card would be sent to him from the OBs.
Website: Managed by Colin Bryce, it hosted photos and a lively Forum, with historical elements such as a list of teachers and headmasters. It also helped to sell books. More photos were needed and a new design. Special thanks were given to Chris Stephenson who hosts the website.
Committee Report: Martin Waugh and Colin Peteranna did not hold a Dinner Dance at F.A. this year and have decided to make it a bi-annual event, so watch out for the date in the 2012 Newsletter. Last year’s Annual Dinner at the Holiday Inn, Glasgow was voted a great success by all, with the usual excellent meal. Thanks were given to Maurice, Chris, Alasdair and Ralph for the drinks.
Treasurer’s Report: The funds of the Association stood at £5,819. Expenses remained the same, while donations were £100.Cardinal O’Brien our Guest Speaker that evening would receive £400 for his charities and split it between SCIAF and Missio Scotland.
Elections: Owen Halloran, elected in 2009, was confirmed elected as Vice President: proposed by Chris Dunn, seconded by Alasdair Macdonald. Colin Peteranna agreed to join the Committee, along with Vinnie Igoe and Colin Bryce: proposed by Pat Barron and seconded by George Campbell.The rest of the officials remain the same, with the Chairman agreeing to another year in the Chair (his sixteenth).
AOB: 1. Next year it is hoped to get Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow OBE director of Mary’s Meals as our guest speaker. His father Calum and uncle Charles are Old Boys of our school.
2. A letter had been received from the Highland Club giving a 10% reduction to OBs, if they rented an apartment in the complex.
3. A visit to Ampleforth was suggested and this received support from the meeting, Laurence Hogarth offering to liaise between the Abbey and OBs.
4. Maurice Taylor kindly offered to meet the cost of using his professional web designer, at his own company Chardon, to re-design the OB website. This was gratefully accepted.
5. It was noted with pleasure that OB Fr. Francis Davidson was now Sub-Prior at Ampleforth.
6. The absence of names on the War Memorial was observed. The Chairman pointed out that they were painted on the wooden memorial in the Chapel at the lodge.
7. Fr. Gordon Beattie conveyed to the OBs the good wishes from our monks at Ampleforth.
Date of the next Meeting: 6 Oct 2012 7.00pm: venue Holiday Inn, Glasgow.
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