born 13 March 1843 in London |
died 3 March 1936 aged 93 in Edinburgh |
clothed 17 February 1883 |
professed 20 February 1884 |
solemn profession 20 April 1887 to Abbot Leo Linse |
ordained 24 November 1888 |
Born to Abiathar and Mary (née Read) Wall and baptised William Wall.
There is a note about Father Martin being a headmaster but this cannot be confirmed.
He is said to have been the first man in great Britain to ride a bicycle and gave it its name while at Cambridge in 1861. In 1864 he supervised the construction of the first twenty miles of the Madras railway in India; he was for a time an Anglican minister, and a laymaster at Fort Augustus.
Father Martin’s headstone in the monk’s cemetery