Father Martin Wall

born 13 March 1843 in London
died 3 March 1936 aged 93 in Edinburgh
clothed 17 February 1883
professed 20 February 1884
solemn profession 20 April 1887 to Abbot Leo Linse
ordained 24 November 1888

Born to Abiathar and Mary (née Read) Wall and baptised William Wall.

There is a note about Father Martin being a headmaster but this cannot be confirmed.

He is said to have been the first man in great Britain to ride a bicycle and gave it its name while at Cambridge in 1861. In 1864 he supervised the construction of the first twenty miles of the Madras railway in India; he was for a time an Anglican minister, and a laymaster at Fort Augustus.

Father Martin’s headstone in the monk’s cemetery

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