born 30 March 1880 |
died 5 November 1945 aged 65 |
clothed 29 November 1921 |
professed 1 December 1922 |
ordained 21 December 1925 |
Baptised: Charles Seton
Dom Benedict Seton OSB who was raised to the priesthood recently enjoys the distinction of having received the three major orders in three days. He is a Fort Augustus (Scotland) monk and a member of a family closely connected with Mary Queen of Scots. His elder brother is Sir Bruce Seton, of Edinburgh, and his younger brother, Dr Walter Seton, of London university. Dom Benedict entered the church whilst serving in His Majesty’s forces during the world war.
From The Bulletin of the Catholic Laymen’s Association of Georgia 17 April, 1926
Father Benedict’s headstone in the monk’s cemetery