Brother Wulstan Neville

born 20 November 1860
died 11 May 1944 aged 63
clothed 1930
professed 1902 at Erdington

Baptised Bernard Neville

Brother Wulstan was at Fort Augustus from 1919 until his death in 1944

Brother Wulstan died at Fort Augustus Abbey on May 11 1944, being 63 years old and 40 years a lay brother. Having originally joined the Older at Erdington Abbey, Birmingham, he was transferred to Fort Augustus when the Erdingtort community moved to Weingarten, Germany, atter the last war.

He will be well known to many visitors by his long, flowing beard and his kind, fatherly manner shown to all as he conducted parties, showing them the items of interest, in the guesthouse and sacristy.

From the Catholic Herald 19 May 1944

Brother Wulstan’s headstone in the monk’s cemetery

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