Brother Vincent Staiger

born 18 Feburary 1881
died 9 February 1950 aged 68
clothed 1890
professed 1891

Baptised Konrad Staiger

As assumption is made that his brother was Father Edward Staiger, a fellow monk at Fort Augustus who died aged 27 in 1901.

Brother Vincent was a lay brother at The Abbey. He was born to Mathaeus and  Josepha  (née Ride) in Rattshausen

In 1939, he was granted British citizenship through naturalisation (see The London Gazette entry for 13 October 1939).

LIST of ALIENS to whom Certificates of Naturalization have been granted by the Secretary of State, and whose Oaths of Allegiance have been registered in the Home Office during
the month of September, 1939.

Staiger, Konrad (known as Brother Vincent);
No Nationality; Lay-Brother; St. Benedict’s
Abbey, Fort Augustus, Inverness-shire,
Scotland, 1 September, 1939.

On August 15, 1923 the Scottish contingent left Fort Augustus for America. This group comprised Dom Bede, Dom Bernard, and Dom Brendan and two lay-brothers, Br Vincent Staiger and Br Hugh Shields. They sailed from Glasgow to Montreal and went by rail from there to Washington.

In 1924-27 Brother Vincent was sent to help found Washington Abbey with some fellow monks.

Taken from

Brother Vincent is in the front row on the far right hand side (taken in 1924).

Brother Vincent’s headstone in the monk’s cemetery

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