Brother Henry Schutzbach

b  22 February 1872
died 2 January 1931 aged 58
clothed 18 May 1891
professed 25 May 1892

Baptised Augustine Schutzbach

Brother Henry was a carpenter. He went over to the Brookland Priory of St Anslems, Washington DC  in the USA in the 1920 shortly after it was established.

“In June 1924, the abbot received final Roman approval for the new community, to be named after the medieval Benedictine scholar and abbot, Saint Anselm. The four Americans remaining after Aidan Baldwin’s deparmre from the novitiate professed simple vows on September 8, 1924. The next day they set out for the United States. Abbot Joseph McDonald accompanied them, along with Dorn Wulstllll Knowles, the newly appointed prior of St. Anselm’s, three Fort Augustus junior monks who were to make their theological studies at the Catholic University (Bede O’Donnell, Bernard Sole, and Brendan O’Connor), and two lay brothers (Hugh Shields and Vincent Staiger, with Br. Henry Schuctbach to follow later). ”

Taken from Thomas Verner Moore: Psychiatrist, Educator, and Monk By Benedict Neenan

Brother Henry was not buried in the monk’s cemetery

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