David Ferris OB (Abbey School 1958-63)

Died: 8 November 2012
Author: Brian Ferris (brother)

I write to inform you of the sad death of my older brother, David Angus Ferris (Abbey School 1958-63) who passed away on 8 November 2012, a few days after his 67th birthday.

David fondly recalled his years at the Abbey School, which we visited together in 1988 whilst it was still functioning. Our family left Scotland in 1963.

About a year after he left the school, David went to what was then Rhodesia with a schoolmate, Christopher Foster, where he spent an exciting number of years in the police force before returning to the UK after the Smith regime’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence. He then served in the Kent police for some years before marrying and turning to the licensed trade in which he spent the remainder of his working life.

He leaves a widow, a daughter and grandson.

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